Key Takeaways:

  • A pedicure can help improve the appearance of fungal toenails, but it is not a standalone treatment for toenail fungus.
  • Regular pedicures can help maintain good foot hygiene and prevent further complications related to toenail fungus.
  • It is important to seek proper medical treatment for toenail fungus to eliminate the infection completely.

Are you dealing with stubborn toenail fungus? If so, you may be wondering if a pedicure can help. While a pedicure can certainly improve the appearance of your nails, it is important to understand that it is not a standalone treatment for toenail fungus. In this article, we will explore whether a pedicure can potentially benefit those with toenail fungus, and what other options are available for treating this common condition.

What is Toenail Fungus?

Toenail fungus, medically known as onychomycosis, is a fungal infection that affects the toenails. It is characterized by thickened, discolored, and brittle nails. The infection is typically caused by dermatophytes, a type of fungi that thrive in warm, moist environments such as sweaty shoes and public swimming pools.

Can a Pedicure Help Toenail Fungus?

While pedicures can help improve the appearance of fungal toenails and provide temporary relief, they do not address the root cause of the infection. A pedicure involves soaking the feet, trimming and shaping the nails, and removing dead skin and calluses. The process can help to exfoliate the affected toenails and make them look better.

However, it is important to note that the tools used during a pedicure can potentially spread the fungal infection to other nails or individuals. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the salon you visit follows strict sterilization protocols, and if you have toenail fungus, consider seeking professional treatment before getting a pedicure.

Medical Treatment for Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus can be challenging to treat, and it often requires medical intervention. Some of the common treatment options include:

  1. Topical antifungal medications: These over-the-counter or prescription medications are applied directly to the affected nails. They are typically used for mild to moderate cases of toenail fungus.
  1. Oral antifungal medications: In more severe cases, your doctor may prescribe oral antifungal medications. These medications attack the fungus from within the body and are typically taken for several weeks or months.
  1. Laser therapy: In recent years, laser therapy has emerged as a promising treatment for toenail fungus. The laser targets and destroys the fungi without causing damage to the surrounding tissues. However, this treatment option can be costly and may require multiple sessions.
  1. Surgical intervention: In extreme cases where the infection is causing severe pain or the nails are significantly damaged, surgical removal of the affected nail may be necessary. This allows for direct treatment of the nail bed and prevents the infection from spreading.

Preventing Toenail Fungus

Prevention is always better than cure. To reduce the risk of developing toenail fungus or reinfection, consider the following preventive measures:

  • Keep your feet clean and dry: Wash your feet regularly and dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes.
  • Wear breathable footwear: Opt for shoes made of breathable materials to prevent excessive sweating and moisture buildup.
  • Avoid sharing shoes and socks: Fungal infections can easily spread through contaminated footwear, so it is best to avoid sharing shoes and socks with others.
  • Use antifungal powder or spray: Applying antifungal products to your feet and shoes can help prevent fungal growth.
  • Trim your nails properly: Cut your nails straight across and avoid cutting them too short to prevent ingrown nails, which can provide an entry point for fungal infections.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I get a pedicure if I have toenail fungus?

A: While you can still get a pedicure if you have toenail fungus, it is important to inform the salon beforehand so that they can take proper precautions to prevent the spread of the infection.

Q: Can toenail fungus go away on its own?

A: It is unlikely for toenail fungus to go away on its own without treatment. The infection tends to persist and may worsen over time if left untreated.

Q: How long does it take to get rid of toenail fungus?

A: The duration of treatment for toenail fungus can vary depending on the severity of the infection and the treatment method used. It may take several weeks or months to completely eliminate the fungus.

Q: Are there any natural remedies for toenail fungus?

A: While some natural remedies, such as tea tree oil or vinegar soaks, may have antifungal properties, they are generally not as effective as medical treatments. It is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.


  • American Academy of Dermatology Association: Nail Fungus